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Bulk SMS - FAQ

The InteractSMS platform is a leader in the Bulk SMS market due to its ease of use, speed and powerful SMS gateway capabilities.

How much does it cost?

If you require account facilities please contact us ( sales@interactsms.com ). Alternatively, you can try InteractSMS for yourself and see how easy it is to use. Register here to receive your free credits.

Sending bulk texts: How many text messages can I send?

You can send up to 100,000 messages in one go, uploading the phone numbers from a spreadsheet that can be saved and reused.

Sending bulk texts: Can I see reports of what I've sent?

Yes, you can see these in the 'Reports' section of the application.

Sending bulk texts: Why are some messages in my reports showing as failed?

There are a number of reasons why messages may not be delivered: recipients may have a faulty phone, be out of coverage or out of credit.

Sending bulk texts: How long does a message take to be delivered?

Usually, text messages are delivered within 15 seconds. However, text messaging isn't always exact and there can be delays due to heavy network traffic, faulty phones or the intended recipient being out of coverage.

Sending bulk texts: Can I receive replies?

You can select an option to receive replies to the bulk text messages you send. Then you can see who has replied by going to the 'Reports' section of the application and looking at the report for each campaign you have sent.

Recipients and lists

When you upload a list of phone numbers, you can choose to save the list for future bulk text campaigns.

Advanced sending options

You can choose to load a new excel spreadsheet with your customers' numbers, a personalised message and a distinct time for that message to be sent.

Your Excel spreadsheet should be structured as follows:
  • The numbers should be in the first column.
  • The message should be in the second column, limited to a maximum of 160 characters including spaces
  • The date and time for the message should go in the third column with the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm.
  • Example: 20/05/10 22:30